"Help! everything my therapist said i'd be stuck with forever I'm actually overcoming and my life is actually getting pretty freaking good now!!!!"
"Help! i'm actually a boss now & my significant other is way too hot!!"
"Help! I feel SO GOOD that i'm actually now anxious about feeling too good so now I somehow have to get over this new anxiety of feeling too good as well!"
"Help! I left my old victim-mindset identity behind and now idk wtf to do with my hands!!!!"Feel like you’re sometimes (or all the time) f****** insane? Different? Alone? Weird? Down bad? Like you're missing something but you don't know what it is? Like you have an ABSOLUTE BEAST sitting inside of you but you have no idea how to actually get the outside version of yourself to match the inside version of yourself? Like you're somehow just missing a COUPLE PIECES of the puzzle and you know that IF and WHEN you finally get those pieces, things will really take off for you? Like your friends don’t get you or fully understand you because they’re literally retarded in some ways? Like your family doesn't get you because they're boomers who still think "THe TraDiTioNAl pAth" is actually still a real thing but you know it isn't but even so you're still lost / confused on what to even do with life? And have no idea what the next step is? Or where to go? Or who can help you? Or who understands your entire situation?
Confused about why you are always anxious? depressed? Low energy? No motivation? Feel like you're just broken or something is wrong with you? Or that you don't want to do anything? Or ever talk to anyone? Or exist? cuz you sort of hate all of it & don't know why? But at the same time you recognize you have monstrous potential & could do amazing things if everything aligned but like just can't make it all work in your head?
Well - that’s EXACTLY how I felt. And it pissed me off - because NOBODY had the answers I was looking for.
Doctors tried to give me pills. Therapists told me to "TaLk AbOuT Muh FEeLingS (with no solutions) & my family told me to "just get more education!". I didn't want ANY of that, and NOBODY had an alternative.
....Until now.
This is EXACTLY what I wish I had when I was struggling through hyper-specific psychological problems like anxiety, depression, panic attacks, social anxiety, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, low charisma, being timid/afraid/low energy, etc. I had to figure all of this out MYSELF. And it SUCKED.
I used to think I was lazy. I used to think I was dumb. I used to think i was "way too introverted to make friends". I used to think I had social anxiety. I used to think I was anti-social. I used to think I hated people. I used to think I hated money, making money & rich people. I used to think incorrectly about EVERYTHING and my life reflected that because tbh I just didn't really enjoy it, but I had no idea where/how I was missing up. I NEEDED someone to grab me by the hand, shake me, and say "you're not messed up but you're doing x,y,z wrong, but if you fix those, you could actually be somebody". Because in REALITY I was NEVER BROKEN - I was just a fish climbing a tree. But I had NO IDEA - BECAUSE NOBODY EVER TOLD ME THAT.
Because of those experiences & how much pain I had to go through to pull myself out of those hell-holes - I realized I had discovered my one true gift in life. And that is imbuing people (AKA GIVING PEOPLE) just like you POWERFUL SELF-CERTAINTY (AKA levels of self-confidence & self-understanding that you've NEVER had before) and showing you that NOT ONLY are you not alone, or broken, or weird (which society will continually tell you that you are)... But that ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS that you are facing RIGHT NOW are actually solvable. You can actually FIX THEM once you UNDERSTAND THEM and have them NOT BE PROBLEMS ANYMORE - and it's ALL downstream of understanding yourself. But NOBODY tells you this. They just say "well you're gonna be dealing with this forever!!!!". LOL NO WONDER EVERY1 IS DEPRESSED.
Almost ALL OF YOUR LIFE'S ISSUES, if we dig down deep enough, come down to either you not fully understanding yourself/how you're wired/what is actually going on (AKA a lack of self-awareness) OR being afraid to FULLY TRUST YOURSELF AND WHAT YOU KNOW IS TRUE FOR YOU because you either don't know WHAT IS ACTUALLY YOURSELF or DON'T HAVE ANYONE TELLING YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT CRAZY FOR THINKING BIGGER. This was MY PROBLEM.
If that sounds like you too - I REFUSE to allow you to deal with that any longer. And that is PRECISELY why I created this. So you NEVER FEEL ALONE, STOP FEELING CRAZY FOR BEING BUILT DIFFERENT & have the TOOLS YOU NEED to move forward with your unique-to-you life with POWER, CONFIDENCE & CONVICTION IN ANYTHING YOU DO despite ANYONE telling you otherwise. I am THE MAN IN YOUR CORNER - shouting in your ear what you need to hear when you're tired in the ring or drifting off course (AKA when you need to hear the truth). But i'm not giving you baseless affirmations or sweet whispers of nothing - I am giving you ACTUAL solutions to ACTUAL problems so you can ACTUALLY move forward.
My goal with this entire thing is to get you to SUBSCRIBE when YOU need some light or a deeper understanding of yourself, then CANCEL when you’re fixed & all of your BS is a thing of the past. My goal is to HELP YOU FIX YOURSELF TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. WHY? Because I f****** love this s**** & I've already made a ton of money. And it got to a certain point where more money "doing MuH BusSinEsS" sort of doesn't hit the same anymore cuz I can already buy my dream car & eat all the steaks that I want whenever I want in any part of the world that I want - so weirdly enough the only thing that became "fun" or WORTH IT anymore is ACTUALLY changing someone's life or impacting them in a positive way. This entire thing is all about me pushing myself to my own limits & hopefully helping YOU to the point of you one day sending me DM saying something like "dude this actually seriously helped me", and MEANING it. But unfortunately because of social media algorithms & the sensitivity levels of the average normie, I can't actually put REAL content with the REAL meat & potatoes of what will actually move the ball forward for you out there publicly (because normies hate the truth, which is all this entire thing will be) which is why I've put it behind a $$ barrier. I only want those who are committed, and want to push away everyone else. So this is now my outlet for all that. My outlet for the real S***. I push myself to master my craft, and you (as someone who's committed) benefit from it. It's a win-win.
So if you're like "man i know i have potential but i don't know why i can't realize it" - then you better believe I'm the ONE person that will believe in YOU more than YOU believe in YOURSELF - because I was there, in your EXACT shoes, then crawled tf out. If i did it, you can too. I assure you that, because WE are HUMAN. And I have made SO MANY messups & mistakes & had to make so many transitions in my own life without help (like quiet to extroverted, nice guy to guy with boundaries/leadership, people-pleaser to self-pleaser ETC that I can now just DUMP my hyper-specific solves (of EXACTLY how I solved these for myself) right onto your beautiful face, multiple times per week.
So. Tell me, Fren. Are you currently...
Not sure what to do in life? Not anymore. We're solving it.
Not sure why you have anxiety / depression / low energy? Not anymore. We're solving it.
Not sure why you feel so isolated and misunderstood by everyone closest to you? Not anymore. We're solving it.
Afraid to do what you ACTUALLY want to do in life? Or unsure how to even hear the voice that tells you what you want to do in life? Not anymore. We're solving it.
UNSURE what's actually "you" vs what is societal programming? Not anymore. We're solving it.
Unsure why some people seem to come from worse situations than you do but still go farther, faster? Not anymore. We're solving it.
Curious on why it seems like EVERYONE AROUND YOU is so confident or living an amazing life, and you're sitting there wondering "when is it my turn? What am I doing wrong?" Not anymore. We're solving it.
Summary: For just $20/month (current price - will be going up SOON) i am going to DO MY BEST to unlock parts of your psyche you DIDN'T EVEN KNOW EXISTED & help you unlock the SUPER-VERSION of yourself that's currently sleeping inside of you, waiting to be unleashed. I know it is in there, why is why I get so passionate. I will INFUSE you with self-certainty and give you the catalyst you need to actually free yourself from the chains that bind you and allow yourself to live the life you actually wanna live, despite what ANYONE ELSE says to you.
Some have called this “soul-level motivation without the airy-fairy bulls***"
Others have called it “therapy at levels i didn’t even know existed within me but, like, with tangible solutions I can actually implement In my daily life to get over the problems that i thought I'd have forever”
Let this be the little light of “f***yeah” in your day/week.
Both self-help & therapy have failed you. I won’t.
No pills. No BS. Just good perspectives & great energy (and things too "real" to deliver to the masses).
Subscribe below to STOP FEELING BAD - & cancel when you're fixed. (or anytime before then).
See you inside. ily. - Grant
Oh, also - here's just a handful of topics covered:
How to not give a f****
How to transform your identity from within (then watch the world respond to the new you)
How to get over any & all money beliefs (and unblock what's stopping you)
How to stop being "too nice" & become someone who sets proper boundaries without being mean
How to positively explode your aura
Why YOU getting rich is actually the least selfish thing you can do
how to become socially mega-confident @ a soul level
How to cultivate / build up / listen to your own intuition
How to think for yourself & stop letting other's opinions sway you
How to develop spiritually & get more "in touch" with God/The universe/ Nature (whatever you prefer to call it)
How to understand who you are & where you belong
How to become more charismatic
How to never run out of things to say + talk forever to anyone (and why sometimes it doesn't work)
How to get smarter & integrate proper mental models into your thinking
How to think critically & develop a repeatable system for "proper thinking" (get smarter)
How to become more persuasive
How to build up a friend group / social circle from nothing
How to not care what anyone thinks about you
How to develop your own value system / understand what your values are
How to be your own teammate in life instead of your greatest enemy
How to avoid mental "traps" that most people get stuck in forever
Click below to start taking the process of increasing of your own power-levels seriously.
"to the very few who are courageous & ambitious enough to overcome their natural "scarcity mindset", of which is the brain always telling them "I can't do that, that's too expensive, not right now, or i'll just do it later...", & they STILL take the leap into the unknown & invest in themselves ANYWAY...
for that very small, select group of people...
anything is possible"